Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


April 9, 2021

Vladimir Zimmerling’s sculpture portrait “SAX PLAYER” (1965) has its prototype. It is the distinguished tenor sax player Sonny Rollins aka Colossus (b. 1930). In the catalogue of Vladimir Zimmerling’s first personal exhibition (1985) this portrait is listed just as “SAX PLAYER”, but the author never concealed that he had Sonny Rollins in mind. The sculptor did not have a chance to hear Sonny live. Moreover, I doubt that Sonny Rollins ever had been in the USSR. However, he toured in Europe in 1965, and some recording from that tour are still available on YouTube. Vladimir Zimmerling was a music lover and a record collector. His main interest was classical music, but he also loved jazz and used opportunities to get foreign LP records or copy them on tape. The official Soviet ideology in the 1960-s was rotten and even some reputable academic musicians believed that jazz is crap. But these people also told their students that Mahler is a bad composer. Vladimir Zimmerling had a different opinion.

The portrait  reflects a characteristic head-and-neck posture with a head thrown back.   As one can see, neither a mouth-piece nor the body of the sax are shown but they can be “read”.  The same trick is used by Vladimir Zimmerling in the much later work, the “FLUTIST” (1997) from the “ANTIQUE SUITE” series.

Vladimir Zimmerling. “A SAX PLAYER”, 1965.

This art work by a sculptor who never met the portrayed musician is probably the first sculpture portrait of Sonny Rollins. I have doubt that Sonny ever heard of it. Theoretically he had a chance, since the first paper on Vladimir Zimmerling appeared the next year (1966) in English, in the Soviet-American illustrated journal “Soviet life” (1966, № 12). But the journalist Andrei Batashev did not mention the “SAX PLAYER” and focused on other portraits by Vladimir Zimmerling – of Bela Bartok (1962), Bertolt Brecht (1961), Sergei Eisenstein (1961) and Lev Landau (1962). A good company, anyway.


December 28, 2020

Vladimir Zimmerling was a connoisseur and a skilled reciter of poetry. In 1998, he recorded many hours of Russian poetry and prose. Samples are available at his website. Some of his readings are now available on Youtube. The links are below.

1,Владимир Циммерлинг читает «Черную шаль» А.С.Пушкина

Vladimir Zimmerling recites “The Black Shawl” by Alexander Pushkin

2.Владимир Циммерлинг читает «Я лютеран люблю богослуженье» Ф.И.Тютчева

Vladimir Zimmerling recites “I love the Lutheran service” by Fyodor Tyutchev

3.Владимир Циммерлинг читает «Снег идет» Б.Л.Пастернака

Vladimir Zimmerling recites “Snow is falling” by Boris Pasternak

4.Владимир Циммерлинг читает «Не матерью, а тульскою крестьянко» В.Ф.Ходасевича

Vladimir Zimmerling recites “No mother but a Tula peasant woman…” by Vladislav Khodasevich

5. Владимир Циммерлинг читает «Есть и в моём страдальческом застое…» Ф.И.Тютчева

Vladimir Zimmerling recites “There is in my suffering languor…” by Fyodor Tyutchev

Vladimir Zimmerling: Avant-garde sculptures from 1960-1961

July 16, 2020

The first article about the sculptor Vladimir Zimmerling is dated with 1966 and published in English. This article by Andrej Batashev was published in the American magazine “Soviet life” in the December issue (“Soviet life”, 1961, № 12, p. 30-31). This magazine is a monthly review of Soviet/Russian culture and is oriented towards a Western reader: the current name of this magazine is “Russian life“,  since the USSR does not exist any more. However, Soviet art or, to put it in a more correct way, art of the Soviet period still exists and is a matter of cultural interest. The journalist justly emphasized the fact that Vladimir Zimmerling’s teacher, Latvian sculptor Theodor Zalkaln was a sculptor with big European name and a pupil of August Rodin and Emile Bourdelle. Vladimir Zimmerling was Zalkaln’s pupil from 1950 to 1957, in the city of Riga. His own plastic idiom assumed in his monumental works and chamber portraits from the 1960-s makes it possible to identify him as a sculptor of the Soviet avant-garde –  a characteristics quite unusual for a Moscow sculptor in that period: this is mentioned in Myuda Jablonskaja’s review of Vladimir Zimmerling’s first personal exhibition (1985).

In 1966, Batashev who visited the sculptor in his atelier, was particularly impressed by two portraits from 1962 and one from 1961.  He could still see other remarkable works from 1960 and 1961 both in the atelier and in the exhibition halls.

The wooden figure of the violinist David Oistrakh comes from 1960 when Vladimir Zimmerling was 29 years old, but early variants come already from  his Riga years (not later than 1957, the year when the sculptor returned back to Moscow). The completed 1960 version was shown at the notable All-Russian exhibition “Soviet Russia” (Moscow,  1960).


Vladimir Zimmerling. “DAVID OISTRAKH”, wood, 1960.

[For more pictures of this sculture see this link ].

Vladimir Zimmerling was particularly attracted by portraying creative personalities and capturing their unique features by plastic means. In 1961, he made three important portraits – of an author (Halldor Laxness), a playwright (Bertolt Brecht) and a film director (Sergei Eisenstein).


Vladimir Zimmerling. “HALLDÓR LAXNESS”. Concrete, 1961.

[For more pictures of this sculpture see this link].



Vladimir Zimmerling. “BERTOLT BRECHT”, tinted plaster with concrete, 1961.

[For more pictures of this sculpture see this link].


Vladimir Zimmerling. “SERGEI EISENSTEIN”, concrete, 1961. 

[For more pictures of this sculpture see this link].

The website about Vladimir Zimmerling

April 2, 2020

The new website about Vladimir Zimmerling (1931 – 2017) opened at


Vladimir Zimmmerling’s art works are currently grouped into 6 galleries: “Sculptures“, “Antique suite“, “A thick band“, “Small plastics“, “Graphical works” and “Monuments“. They can be seen on this page Double-click the corresponding icon or the weblink below the icon. Note that “Antique suite” and “A thick band” are author’s names for two thematic series of sculptures created by him. The portrait of J.S.Bach (the picture below) was created in 1982. It does not belong to any thematic series. However, the sculptor has a steady interest to portraying poets, artists and musicians: this group of portraits constitutes a substantial part of his heritage.


Vladimir Zimmerling. “Johann Sebastian Bach“, limestone, 1982.

A list of Vladimir Zimmerling’s papers and his two books of essays is available here:

A selection of poems by Pushkin, Tyutchev, Mandelstam, Zabolotsky, Pasternack and other Russian poets recited by Vladimir Zimmerling is available at this page: 



Publications 2017 – 2020

March 9, 2020

Here follows the list of my selected publications from 2017 on:

Edited monographs

  • Владимир Циммерлинг. Избранные работы. Составление, общая редакция и комментарии А.В.Циммерлинга. М.-Спб.: Нестор-История, 2019. 540 с., с ил. ISBN 978-5-4469-1631-3. 9-2

In press

  • Аntоn Zimmerling, Ekaterina Lyutikova. Verb sесоnd laпguages апd clause structure // Kozerenko Elena B. (ed.) Intelligent Linguistic Technologies [part of the sеriеs <<Transactions in Computational Sciences and Computational Intelligence> published bу Springer (233 Spring Street l New York, NY 10013 I USA; +l (212) 460-16S7). (to appear).
  • Anton Zimmerling. Word Order // Brill Encyclopaedia of Slavic Languages. Leiden: Brill, 2020 (accepted for publication).
  • Anton Zimmerling. Clitics  // The Oxford Guide to the Slavonic languages. J.Fellerer, N.Bermel (eds.). Oxford: Oxford university press, 2019.  (accepted for publication).
  • Peter Kosta, Anton Zimmerling. Case Assignment // The Oxford Guide to the Slavonic languages. J.Fellerer, N.Bermel (eds.). Oxford: Oxford university press  (accepted for publication).
  • А.В.Циммерлинг. Одушевленность. Русский язык //  Труды Института русского языка им. В.В.Виноградова РАН, 2020 (accepted for publication).
  • А.В.Циммерлинг. Автореферентность и классы предикативных слов // Проблемы функциональной грамматики: Отношение к говорящему в семантике грамматических категорий / Отв. ред. М.Д.Воейкова, В.В.Казаковская. Спб., 2020. С. 16-36. (in press).


  • А.В.Циммерлинг. Андрей Анатольевич Зализняк. Абстрагироваться от лишнего // Слово. ru: балтийский акцент, 2020, т. 11, № 2. (in press).
  • А.В.Циммерлинг. Филология как враг лингвистики // Русский язык за рубежом, 2020, № 1. (in press).
  • А.В.Циммерлинг. Толмач немецкий: Дмитрий Герасимов и посольские книги //Десятые Римские Кирилло-Мефодиевские чтения. Отв. ред. И.Вернер, Н.Запольская, М.Обижаева. Материалы конференции. Рим-Пиза, 2-9 февраля 2020 г. М.: Индрик, 2020, с. 175-184. ISBN 978-5-91674-576-4




Life after Idleness

March 8, 2020

I did not happened to update this website/blog of mine during three years, when I suddenly realised that some of my webpages including this one still have a link to it. I decided to add a post here. It is actually about life – not as much after death (that’s is a non-shared belief of some people), but about years of idleness and oblivion.


The author of this book, my father Vladimir Zimmerling was a sculptor and a philosopher. His life corresponded to the principles he proclaimed. During his lifetime, he published one book of essays, some papers, had two personal exhibitions (in 1985 and 1999), raised numerous monuments in his country of birth (diverse corners of the former Soviet Union) and did not care about crowds of fans and readers, laurels of  the academies, place in the guidebooks in the art history (despite him being a pupil of  Theodor Zalkaln (a pupil of Rodine and Bourdelle) and part of the Soviet avantgarde himself) or life as a socialite.  Now, two and a half years after his death in June, 2017, Vladimir Zimmerling’s sculptures have been posthumously exhibited at three exhibitions, the last of them standing in Moscow in the art gallery “Na Chistykh Prudakh” right now And the book of his selected papers in philosophy and hermeneutics was published in 2019 by the publishing house “Nestor-Istoria“: Владимир Циммерлинг. Избранные работы. Составление, общая редакция и комментарии А.В.Циммерлинга. М-Спб.: Нестор-История, 2019. 540 с. [Vladimir Zimmerling. Selected writings. Ed. by A.V.Zimmerling. Moscow- St.Petersburg: Nestor-istoria, 2019. 540 p.]. The technical pages can be downloaded from here:  The book’s cover made by Soffia Kassian features Vladimir Zimmerling’s “Self-portrait”, a sculpture from 1962.

The new website dedicated to Vladimir Zimmerling, will open in a week.

I was the book editor who selected the published and unpublished papers by Vladimir Zimmerling for the edition above and wrote a commentary to them. The edition follows the format accepted in the series like “Philosophical heritage”, with end notes and comments to the published texts. The introductory article to this book can be viewed here:

There are indications in the archive of the book author, Vladimir Zimmerling that he wanted his essays to be published and discussed. He was a philosopher and believed that the events of one’s private life including his own life do no deserve special attention, but the ideas, if they are expressed in an appropriate form and cultural collisions do. But he did not care much about the time and the book format. Probably he would like to fix something and to add new parts. I am pretty sure that if I died during his lifetime and he considered me a good professional in my own field, he would not care much about editing my archive and publishing my papers after my death.


Enter a caption

P.S. The artist Mara Daugaviete, whose pictures are currently exhibited together with Vladimir Zimmerling’s sculptures, is his daughter, and the artist Georgi Uvarov is her husband. And the late sculptor Lucia Daugaviete (1927-2013) is Mara’s mother and the first wife of my father.



Publications 2016 and 2015

January 12, 2017


I am posting links to some of my publications from 2016 and 2015

1.Архитектура клаузы в параметрических моделях: синтаксис, информационная структура, порядок слов. Под ред. А.В. Циммерлинга, Е.А. Лютиковой. М.: Языки славянской культуры. Studia philologica, 2016. 608 с.  ISBN 978-5-9908826-4-5

2. Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Вып. 3. Материалы международной конференции «Типология морфосинтаксических параметров 2016». М.Б.Коношенко, Е.А.Лютикова, А.В.Циммерлинг (ред.). М.: МПГУ, 2016 – на русском языке (монография). М.: МПГУ. 2016. 420 стр. ISBN 978-5-4263-0449-9

А.В.Циммерлинг. Внутри и снаружи: к типологии предикатов состояния // Логический анализ естественного языка. Человек в интерьере. С.Ю.Бочавер, М.Л.Ковшова, Т.Е.Янко (ред.) . М.: ЯСК, 2017 (в печати). С. 17-41.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Предикаты параметрического признака в русском языке // Труды Института русского языка им. В.В.Виноградова РАН. М.: ИРЯ РАН, 2016. С.355-367.

Е.А.Лютикова, Р.В.Ронько, А.В.Циммерлинг. Дифференцированное маркирование аргументов: семантика, морфология, синтаксис // Вопросы языкознания, 2016, No. 6. С. 113-127.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Рец на: I. Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, A.L.Malchukov, M.Richards (eds.). Scales and hierarchies: A cross-linguistic perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2015. 356 p. // Вопросы языкознания, 2016, No. 4, ―с. 144-151.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Место глагола в нарративном тексте // Логический анализ языка. Информационная структура текстов разных жанров и эпох. / Отв. ред. Н.Д.Арутюнова. М.: Индрик, 2016 , ― c. 74-91.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Линейно-акцентная грамматика и коммуникативно нерасчлененные предложения в русском языке // Архитектура клаузы в параметрических моделях: синтаксис, информационная структура, порядок слов. Под ред. А.В. Циммерлинга, Е.А. Лютиковой. М.: Языки славянской культуры. Studia philologica, 2016. С. 76-103.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Структура клаузы, линейно-акцентные преобразования и клитики в средненорвежском языке // Архитектура клаузы в параметрических моделях: синтаксис, информационная структура, порядок слов. Под ред. А.В. Циммерлинга, Е.А. Лютиковой. М.: Языки славянской культуры. Studia philologica, 2016. С. 209-273.

Е.А.Лютикова, А.В.Циммерлинг. Архитектура клаузы и информационная структура // Архитектура клаузы в параметрических моделях: синтаксис, информационная структура, порядок слов. Под ред. А.В. Циммерлинга, Е.А. Лютиковой. М.: Языки славянской культуры. Studia philologica, 2016. С. 9-22.

Е.А.Лютикова, А.В.Циммерлинг, М.Б.Коношенко. Языковое разнообразие в зеркале параметрической грамматики // Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Вып. 3. Материалы международной конференции «Типология морфосинтаксических параметров 2016». М.Б.Коношенко, Е.А.Лютикова, А.В.Циммерлинг (ред.). М.: МПГУ, 2016 . С. 5-15.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Стурла Тордарсон // Большая Российская Энциклопедия, т. 35 (2016), стр. 352.



Anton Zimmerling. Clusters, clitics and semi-clitics in Old Slavic languages // Nordiska Slavistmőtet, 17-21 August 2016, Stockholm. P. 118-120.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Предикаты параметризуемого признака в русском языке // Грамматические процессы и системы в синхронии и диахронии. М., ИРЯ им. В.В.Виноградова РАН. 30 мая – 1 июня 2016 г. С. 38.

Anton Zimmerling. The Nominative Object Parameter and dative subjects in Russian // Slavic Linguistics Society conference SLS 11 (University of Toronto, 24 September 2016).

Anton Zimmerling. Towards a typology of endoclitics // Typology of morphosyntactic parameters 2016 conference. Moscow, MSPU and Institute of Linguistics, 12-14 October 2016.

Anton Zimmerling. Jens Nørgård-Sørensen in Memoriam. // Journal of Slavic linguistics, 2015, ISSN/eISSN: 1068-2090/1543-0391 vol. 2. ―P. 177-180.

Anton Zimmerling. 1P orders in 2P languages. // Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Материалы международной конференции «Типология морфосинтаксических параметров 2015». Вып. 2. — Москва, МПГУ, 2015. — 515 с. Под редакцией Е.А. Лютиковой, А.В. Циммерлинга, М.Б. Коношенко. ISBN 978-5-4263-0293-8
―с. 459 – 483.

Anton Zimmerling. Parametrizing Verb-Second Languages and Clitic-Second Languages // WORLDCOMP’ 15. Proceedings of the 2015th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 1. 2015, CSREA Press. 1-60132-405-7 ―P. 281-287.

Anton Zimmerling, Ekaterina Lyutikova. Approaching V2: Verb Second and Verb Movement // Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии. Вып. 14 (20) в двух томах. [Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies, Issue 14 (21) in two volumes.] Moscow, 2015. ISSN 2221-7932/ ―P. 663-676.

А.В.Циммерлинг, М.В.Трубицина. Дативные и сентенциальные подлежащие в русском языке: от внутренних состояний к общим суждениям. // Rhema. Рема. 2015, No. 4, ISSN 1992-6375― с. 71-104.

Е.А.Лютикова, А.В.Циммерлинг. Параметрическая типология: модели и объяснения // Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Материалы международной конференции «Типология морфосинтаксических параметров 2015». Вып. 2. Под редакцией Е.А. Лютиковой, А.В. Циммерлинга, М.Б. Коношенко. М., МПГУ, 2015. ISBN 978-5-4263-0293-8. ―с. 5-7.

Р.В.Ронько, А.В.Циммерлинг. Параметр номинативного объекта и синтаксис инфинитивных оборотов в диалекта х русского Севера и древнерусском языке // Вестник МГГУ им. М.А.Шолохова. Серия Филологические науки. 2015, No. 1, ISSN 1992-6375― c. 57-6

А.В.Циммерлинг. Клитики и информационная структура высказывания в древнечешском языке // Вестник МГГУ им. М.А.Шолохова. Серия Филология. 2015, № 1, ISSN 1992-6375―c. 74- 95.

А.В.Циммерлинг. К Барьеру! Или иди к Ваккернагелю. // Поздравительный сайт в честь академика А.А.Зализняка. Институт славяноведения РАН., 2015.

Click to access Cimmerling.pdf


Anton Zimmerling. Slavic Stative Costructions: A Cognitive Perspective // Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2015. Abstracts. Universities of Sheffield and Oxford. ―P. 31-32.

Anton Zimmerling. Conjunction and (or) disjunction: formal and functional explanations in grammar theory // The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS). Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg. 04.06 - Book of Abstracts, 2015. ―P. 81

Anton Zimmerling. Clause Negation and Clause Structure in Old Russian // The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS). Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg. 04.06 - Book of Abstracts, 2015. ―P. 76.

Bad native speakers and poor writers

January 20, 2016


This picture was taken during a seminar on theoretical semantics at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences 15 January, 2016.

The slide reads “Bad profiles of native speakers”. Sorry, not exactly that – “Profiles of bad native speakers”. If you want to know how they are defined, you can look at the presentation at

Disclaimer: the guy in front of the screen is not just a bad and nasty native speaker but also a poor writer and speaker.

Happy New Year 2016

January 10, 2016

Happy New Year


Happy New Year 2016! Bon appetit! You are the meal.

TMP 2015 pics

November 18, 2015


Apostles Paul (Pavel Grashchenkov) and Andrew (Andrej Kibrik): a staged version of the newly discovered picture by El Greco ‘Apostles of language theory and linguistic typology’.

The TMP 2015 conference (and TMP is Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters, as every grown-up individual knows) took place 14-16 October 2015 in Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University & Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences. The picture above shows one of our plenary speakers, Andrej Kibrik (r.), chairing one of the sessions 16 October, Pavel Grashchenkov (l.) giving a talk.


Yakov Testelets (standing) is asking a question. Atle Grønn (r.) is all attention.

We were happy to have great talks from the invited speakers, Atle Grønn (on the picture above), John Bailyn and Andrej Kibrik. See this link on the conference website


Generative grammar does not exclude discussion: our invited speaker John Bailyn (c.) and conference coorganizer, Ekaterina Lyutikova (r.).

I am grateful to my colleagues, members of the organizing committee Peter Arkadiev, Ekaterina Lyutikova and Yakov Testelets for the great organizational job.


Ekaterina Lyutikova and Peter Arkadiev are closing the sessions on 16 October.


The 16 October sessions were hosted by the Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences. On the picture above you see the Institute’s director Vladimir Alpatov giving a talk. Andrej Kibrik (r.) is the chair.


Maria Usacheva is presenting her talk. Peter Arkadiev (l.) is the chair.

Our conference was a true feast both for those who like so called exotic languages, complexity and odd things and for those who enjoy regularity and predictions.

Grammaticalization is fun. Really. Especially – grammaticalization of nomina loci in Besermyan Udmurt. I am not kidding. If you have doubts, look at Maria Usacheva’s and Natalia Serdobolskaya’s handout These nominalizations are special.


Morhosyntactic parameters are rooted in many institutions. See Yuri Lander (High School of Economics), Nina Sumbatova (Russian State University for the Humanities, Valentin Vydrin (LLACAN – INALCO, Paris) – from left to the right. In the back row: Lyudmila Khokhlova (Institute for African and Asiatic Studies).


Think big. Andrei Kosenkov (c.) and Liza Kushnir (r). In the front row: Silje Susanne Alvestad. In the back row: Yulia Galliamina (l) and Maria Trubitsina (r).


Towards TMP 2016.  Peter Arkadiev and me are closing the TMP 2015 conference. In the front row: Maria Konoshenko, chair of the affiliated GeNSLing 2015 conference, and Andrej Kibrik. In the next row: Valentin Vydrin.